i feel sick even thinking of it. i do not like to smell it, see it or cook it and i barely like to eat it.
last pregnancy, Ryan worked for YL--he cooked. on mondays, we had a team dinner and someone would cook a delicious meal for the YL team. if Ryan had a game or event at night, he would cook before he went. boohoo. now even if I wanted him to cook, he does not get home until 6:15 and we cannot wait for that. so, alas, i cook and make faces and hold my breath
today i ate raviolis at school from a big can...i never do this. I snuck into the kitchen and almost inhaled the left overs. Dani asked me if i wanted a straw for the sauce, little did she know i actually had that image in my head. weird times
You are right, however, I am not going to tell you why you are right because it may make you vomit. I heart your belly.